Dear Belinda, Rebecca, Marylyn, Wendy, MaryChristine, Janine, Terri, Gloria,
Becca, Karen and everyone --
I heard some great news last night when I (finally) met up with the PAWS
clinic director, Rochelle, to talk about my foster Pookie's mishandled
euthanization by Family Pet.
During the course of our conversation she began talking about the new PAWS
shelter opening in Chicago next year, and so I asked *her* if an FeLV area
was planned. (I had not said much to her about the phone call I had from her
boss, PAWS' owner, Paula Fasseas, apart from the fact that I felt that it
was a good conversation and didn't just seem like a token PR gesture.)

I fully expected her to say no, or, we don't know yet, we're still working
on it. But she said an unequivocal "Yes"! She also said that PAWS will be
committing to paying medical bills for all FeLV cats they adopt out so as to
encourage adoptions of FeLV cats.
I tell you, it was hard to stop myself from bursting into tears.
If this is true--and I won't really believe it till I see it--then this is
fantastic news and I can hardly believe it. As you know (and for benefit of
new listmembers) I had heard from 2 authoritative sources--one a PAWS
adoption counsellor and the other the director of the Tree House
shelter--that PAWS was not going to have an FeLV room. I intended to write
the owner to try and get her to change her mind. So when she called me,
about Pookie, and I got a rare chance to speak to her directly, she said (as
if it was a whole new idea) well, we do have 2 spare rooms, so one of these
could be an FeLV room...
....And now it seems to be actually happening!
She will have all your testimonials by now...I hope they are used in the
"education" program. Either way, I believe they helped tip the decision in
the right direction.
Will keep you posted on any further developments when I get back to Chicago
Thanks to you all for your input! hugs, Kerry

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