I am so glad that Chelsea is doing better.  I would
like to know the course of treatment your vet has
chosen for immuno-regulin too.  Smokey is on
immuno-regulin but the vet hasn't said how long he
will continue to get the injections.  To be honest I
thought he would continue to get 2 injections per week
for the rest of his life.  I need to ask his vet about
it.  I hope Chelsea's bloodwork comes back much


--- Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How wonderful that Chelsea is doing better!!   What
> is the course of treatment your vet has used for the
> immunoregulin?  I have seen different ones.  How far
> apart and what dosage?
>   Am getting ready to start one of my girls on that
> - my vet said .2cc per day for 4 days, then .2cc per
> week for 4 weeks and then .2cc every four months.
> wrote:
>   I wanted to thank everyone for the advise given
> last month regarding 12 
> month-old felv+ Chelsea who was suffering from
> severe anemia. She began 
> responding to treatment fairly quickly and had
> noticeably improved within 
> the first 2 weeks. Chelsea has now received 6
> injections of immunoregulin 
> and has regained her normal energy level and has
> pink gums again. I took 
> your advise to heart and put her on Droxy and folic
> acid in addition to the 
> Pet Tinic, Feline Immune Support and Interferon that
> she had been receiving. 
> She's scheduled for 3 more injections of
> Immunoregulin to complete the 
> recommended course of treatment. When she gets her
> last injection, I'll get 
> blood work done again to determine her current
> hematocrit level. You may 
> remember that it was extremely low - 9.6% when she
> last had blood drawn on 
> April 15th.
> I don't know if Chelsea's turn around will be
> permanent, but she has had a 
> very good month and I'm hopeful that she'll have
> many more to come.
> Thanks again, Deanne

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