Where are you located  I rented for a lot of years in a very expensive, very tight housinng market (San Francisco) with 6 cats and now I live outside SF in rental housing but with rescue friendly landlords.  Let me know where you are.  I can at least tell you what worked for me.

clarissa- Floyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi everyone,
i dont post much but try to read all the emails. moste i either dont understand the heath issues your dealing with as we havent gone through much yet or sit and wish there was something i could do to help.  i keep thinking about asking rachel if another body looking through the garage would help find those kittens. she isnt too far away for me to drive out for a day. i havent been able to find a soulution for my issues yet and i guess taking some kind of action might help me not to get depressed over my own crap.  
ive run into a situation that drives home part of why theres so many animals  for those of you who do rescues.
when i first found this group and decided to keep the 8 kittens we had left, i was engaged and looking for a house to purchase in another area w the finance. i thought it was safe to adopt a pet or as it turned out .. 8 .  since then my 18 yearold daughter has left (hassent graduated yet) and refuses contact w me, the fiance and i have broken up and im going to have to rent. finding a place in the new area that will allow pets is starting to seem imposible. prospective landlords sugest i get rid of the cats. even the ppl i know in the area think i should get rid of the cats. no one has any sugestion on who would take them other than the pound as if its a "cure all" solution. some of the ppl i know even sugested putting them down since a pound would anyway.
this whole idea of "throw away pets" frustrates me.  the common thought that someone else will take care of an animal they toss on the street or that the animals can survive on their own is ludicras.
i figured ya'll would understand my frustration especially when even the ppl that know me dont get it. the fiance cant even take his cat with him as he works out of town 2-3 days at a time but he will help with food costs and some of the future vet bills if i keep Salem for him. i still have a couple of months to continue looking before i have to move and im trying to stay posative. i just know that trying to find homes for "the herd" would be next to imposible as well as break our hearts. its not a solution im willing to consider yet and hope i dont end up having to.
thank you all for being patient with me and letting me vent.
Karen ,Pogo,Teddy,Stitch,Oreo,Salem,Bandit,Boots,Houdini

PS: i find the group such as inspiration. your all amazing with everything you do to help these cats no matter where any of them are.

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