Thank you so much to everyone who responded to my first post.  The encouragement means everything to me.  Wendy, I would definitely like to have a copy of the manual - thank you.
Acemannan is an Aloe Vera derivative.  It is manufactured by Vererinary Products Laboratories.  Here is a link to the information about this drug on their website:
The drug has been approved and there have been some studies concerning the efficacy of this drug.  There are other applications of this drug as well.  The VPL website also has a link to distributors.  The treatment for FeVL is a shot once a week in the tummy (but only under the skin).  A typical course of treatment is six weeks. 
This article was encouraging to me (although I am leery of articles by companies selling products):
All of MK's (Mama Kitty) kittens who have been tested have been negative.  One of my cats, Tori, was the runt of her litter and is she is healthy and doing very well.  A little over a year ago MK did get a very bad bite near the base of her tail which abscessed and required surgery.  I can't help but wonder if this isn't how she acquired this disease. 
From what I've been able to determine, the nearest holistic veterinarian is about a 90 minute drive one way (same for a veterinary specialist). I don't know anything about that person and it may not be practical to make the drive.  I was, however, able to find an interesting website that you may already be familiar with called 'Only Natural Pet Store':
From there I've ordered some 'New Life Colostrum Plus' for MK and the 'Only Natural Pet Super Daily Feline Multi-Vitamin & Mineral' supplement for all of my cats.  They have an interesting range of products there.
I got disgusted with Science Diet a year or two ago and that is when I started having 'Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul' delivered here every month - as that product is not available where I live.  The ingredients seem to be very high quality and the kids do like it.  I've been checking out the Innova too since it's been mentioned here and it also has a very good ingredient list.  The company that delivers the CSCLS also has that product available.  I really appreciate all the good tips and insight.
Since we started the Acemannan on Friday and haven't missed a dose of ammoxi drops or pet tinic...MK is much perkier.  I don't know if this is due to the treatment or due to the unpredictable nature of the disease but I am hopeful.  She's eating much better than she was before and just seems to sparkle when she 'talks'.  I'm making every effort to sterilize water and food bowls more frequently and washing bedding more often in very hot water just in case it will be beneficial. 
I've used ImmunoRegulin on the man of the house, Phelix, for his allergies.  The shots were very reasonable - I'll discuss this with my vet when I return.
I'll keep you all posted on how this treatment goes.  Thank you all again for the encouragement, insight, and stories of your own experiences.  I've only been here a day or two but I already believe I have gained some valuable information.

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