I am so sorry to hear about Allie.  That is such a
hard decision to have to make and it is terrible to
have to see them suffer.  I will be thinking and
praying for both of you today.


--- Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jen I am hurting with you,you are doing the right
> thing and Allie knows that too.I will have you both
> in my thoughts and prayers.Hugs to you
>   Sherry
> Jennifer Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     I honestly never understood what you all meant
> by you will know when it is time, but it's true, our
> cats do have a way of telling us (this is the first
> sick cat I have ever cared for, so this is a totally
> new experience for me all around...).  Allie has
> rapidly been declining over the past few days
> despite treatments.  Her temp just keeps climbing
> (it's now up to 107.1 this am) and she has
> completely stopped eating and drinking.  She growls
> every time I try to give her any kind of medication
> or treatment.  I truly believe that this is her way
> of telling me she does not want anymore.  Allie has
> never liked vets, needles, or even oral meds, so I
> know that taking daily antibotics and frequent
> injections and sq fluids has probably been very
> rough on her.  I also feel that at this point she is
> suffering and I do not want that for her.  I think
> she's trying to tell me it's her time- she's tired
> and she just can't fight anymore.  Unfortunately I
> think we found the FELV and FIV
>  relatively end stage and with both viruses, her
> body is just very run down.  Right now she has no
> spunk- just lies around in one spot all day hiding -
> barely even has the energy to purr.  That is not my
> Allie cat!  It is killing me to see her suffer and I
> am now content that I understand what she is trying
> to tell me.  So, unfortunately, I have to make the
> hardest decision that any pet mommy and cat lover
> has to make.  I am going to spend tonight with my
> baby girl and if God does not take her on His own, I
> am going to help her cross the bridge tomorrow.  I
> have never had to make such a difficult decision in
> my life and I bless you and feel the pain of each
> and every one of you that have had to make this same
> decision before.  However, I know it is the right
> thing to do.  I have told her that it's OK to go, I
> just want her to be happy and not suffer anymore,
> and ever since I told her that she has been purring
> more and not hiding as much- it's as if she's at
> peace now. 
>  That's helping me know that I am making the right
> decision.  Please remember my little one tonight and
> tomorrow afternoon at 4pm when I say good-bye.  She
> has lived a long (10 yrs) good and happy life.  She
> deserves only to be happy.  Thank you for
> everything.  I don't know what I would have done
> without all of you.
>   Jen and Allie
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