I'm new, so here goes.  I rescued 4 kittens born in my back yard by a stray who 
tested positive.  Now I guess I have 4 kittens in my possession who are also 
positive.  Is there any chance these kittens could end up negative after a few 
months?  Can they sometimes fend off this infection in some way?  I have 8 cats 
already, and trying to keep 4 kittens separated from them is almost impossible. 
 I thought you had one member who was from the Ky area(which I am, also).
I would love to hear from her regarding any possible sanctuaries, or 
great-souled people who might consider adding positives to their home.  Does 
anyone ever have any luck finding adopters?  I'm heartsick and soooooo 
Please help.

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