Awww, what a sweetheart!  :)  I wonder if the "spasms" she's
experiencing aren't just a part of the healing process?  We have a girl,
Maggie, who showed up at my office emaciated and with an obvious injury
to her spine near her pelvis.  She could walk okay but climbing was out
of the question!  She had to pull herself onto surfaces and her tail was
limp.  The vet took x-rays which gave us an idea of what may have was obviously an older looked as though she
may have been crushed under a garage door or perhaps hit by a car!  I
thought for sure her tail would have to be amputated, but 'lo and
behold, with good food, proper care and lots of love, she was able to
start lifting her tail after about a week or so!  She's also regained
all of her jumping abilities and thensome (I can't believe what she can
get herself on top of)!

But the reason I mention "healing process spasms" is because I noticed
as Maggie was healing that she was licking both sides of her spine near
the injury to the point that she had two little bald spots on her back!
 ;)  I couldn't help but wonder if the nerves were a little tingly and
that was bothering her...anyway, she stopped over time and is now
running/jumping circles around the others.  Her tail is still limp
towards the end, but she's able to fully lift the base which certainly
gives her a unique look!  :)

So to your question!  :)  I think the general consensus is that you wait
3 months and retest in case she was newly infected and hasn't had a
chance to show up on a test, yet.  I wouldn't be surprised, either, if
she turns up negative, again!  I don't think FeLV is as contagious as
once thought, especially among the healthy, adult cat crowd.  Kittens
seem to be the most susceptible as their immune systems aren't quite up
to par yet!

Hope this helps!  Give Angel a big smooch from me!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long..." --Blade Runner

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