I just wanted to let you know that I never use the full amount of Advantage that they recommend. When the fleas are at their worst, I just use a dab of the stuff and only re-apply if I see a flea on someone, (not just automatically every month). I do usually dose everyone in the house at the same time, but the two newest arrivals, (Starman and Spencer), are having terrible itching problems and I suspect the Advantage. It's one of those "rock and hard place" situations. If it's possible to use a flea comb to remove fleas it's a safer solution. Make sure you vacuum often and wash bedding regularly. There have been anequdotal reports of seizures and death in young and ill cats using Revolution, esp if it is applied anywhere near an open sore. I don't use any flea treatments unless I see fleas!

Lance wrote:

One of our dogs has the tell-tale little black "nits" in the fur on her neck that indicate fleas are incoming. We're going to treat her tomorrow with Frontline. My father is convinced that none of the other animals should be treated if they "don't have fleas."

My Ember is FeLV+, and while she is generally isolated from the other animals, the one dog who has the "nits" is occasionally in the room adjoining ours with my mom, so that the two have space that overlaps. I worry about the possibility of Hemobartanella. Ember is four years old and currently asymptomatic. Should I treat her with Frontline, just in case she's had exposure?

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