Hi, I took in a stray that was hanging around our
house.  His name is Smokey.  He was probably around 7
or 8 months when he tested positive.  This after he
tested negative the first time.  He kept on running
high fevers.  The vet would put him on antibiotics and
the fever would go down only to return in a few days. 
That is why he was tested the second time.  I ended up
changing vets for Smokey.  The new vet he has been
going to started him on Equistim injections subq.  He
got an injection for 4 or 5 days in a row.  Now he
gets 2 injections a week.  He hasn't gotten a fever in
about 4 months now.  The vet has talked about taking
him off these injections to see how he does.  I am
getting ready to go on vacation and don't want to do
anything like that until I get back.  Smokey seems
like a normal cat now.  He is active and eats great. 
Equistim is immuno-regulin.  Maybe it might be
something to ask your vet about.  I don't know if it
will help your Lucy with her fevers but so far it has
helped Smokey.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I adopted sisters, Lucy and Izzie, from a shelter at
> 4 months old. Without going into too much detail,
> they are now 7 months old and I have just learned
> that Lucy is positive. She is symptomatic, she had a
> high fever and URI in the beginning of May, went on
> antibiotics, but within a few days of being off the
> antibiotics she had a fever of 105.5, had difficulty
> walking, went from 5.9 pounds to 5.1 in a very short
> period of time, and was one depressed little kitty.
> She went on antibiotics last Monday and was
> diagnosed as positive that day. She has really
> perked up, she's gained most of the weight back, is
> running, jumping, and playing with Izzie, but the
> vet seems to think that as soon as she goes of the
> antibiotics she will most likely get sick again.
> I had Izzie tested and she is negative. After many
> discussions with three different vets I decided to
> keep them together as it seems most likely Izzie
> caught it and fought it already. I've made the
> decision that the quality of their life together is
> what's most important right now and hoping that
> Izzie stays negative. 
> There seems to be a lot of conflicting pieces of
> information out there. Does Interferon work for
> kitties who are symptomatic? One of the vets
> suggested I just keep Lucy on antibiotics until they
> stopped working, he thought Interferon wouldn't help
> as she had advanced this far. 
> I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
> Maggie

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