She hasn't been retested since the beginning of all this (almost 6 years ago), but it's my understanding that once the virus enters the marrow, it's a lifetime deal. Sort of like herpes. The body has already past the point at which it is able to defeat the virus, and has lost. The thing that seems to be so unique in our situation, as I don't know of one other person yet who has experienced it, is that Spaz was asymptomatic and not diagnosed until 8 years of age. Everyone else is receiving their diagnoses during kittenhood or very early adulthood, when the susceptibility is apparently higher.

----- Original Message ----- From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: spaz


14 is an awesome milestone for an FeLV+ cat, and
that's an understatement!  Good for you for taking
such a proactive role with Spaz.  I have a "dumb"
question for you.  When is the last time that Spaz was
tested for FeLV and was she still positive?  We love
to hear when FeLV+'s throw off the virus!


--- Terri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


----- Original Message ----- From: catatonya<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 3:21 PM
  Subject: spaz

  14 years old!  Wow!

    I need to share the story of my cat, Spaz, with
all of you.  Perhaps it will help someone out there.
 Spaz was diagnosed at 8 years of age with leukemia.
 She was an indoor-only cat, except for one summer
when she was a kitten, from about 8-10 months of
age.  Her PCV was down around 7%, and my vet gave
her an injection of prednisolone.  The response was
almost immediate, and by the next morning, I had a
totally different cat on my hands!  She was totally
fine for over two and half years, then had a mild
bout with anemia again.  We dealt with that through
pred. tablets.  Six months after that, she had
another serious bout with anemia, and our new vet
(we had moved) gave her Depo-Medrol.  It had zero
effect.  It's a rather long story, but I could not
remember the name 'prednisolone' at this time and
could not get my old vet's office to look up her
records.  We tried Interferon and Winstrol, which
did not help.  I FINALLY got the info. from my old
vet, but was told by them and every vet I talked to
that Depo-Medrol and prednisolone will do the same
thing.  Fortunately, my vet was willing to try
anything I wanted, and we did, and it worked again!
So I feel it is of the utmost importance to let
people know that they DO NOT necessarily react the
same when they supposedly should.  As for Spaz, she
suffered some mild problems and a rough upper resp.
infection after this, but she now has been perfectly
healthy for over two years again.  She's almost 14
now!  I feel so tremendously fortunate, and I just
hope I can help someone else.

----- Original Message ----- From: Sherry
DeHaan<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 11:24 PM
      Subject: Mini and Mowgli

      We need prayers for these two sweet little
babies,Mini has survived through so much in her
young life and has fought hard against this horrible
disease.She is having a hard time fighting it this
time.Mowgli is having a rough time right now
too,prayers would be appreciated.Thank you.

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