I thought the program is just for fleas.
In a message dated 6/14/2006 6:27:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

the program does not work for ringworm. all 8 here had it over the holidays and after a month of no results we used a spray and shampoo  made by malaseb. for the face you use the spray on a cloth and wipe on their face. unfortunatly the spores can live in the house for up to 18 months. (so they can reinfect durring that time) theres some informative websites out there on cleanup in the house ect. i know what your going through ! i bathed 8 twice a week ! the spray alone may help. if you want to try it out i can mail you a bottle. (have a couple left from our bout with ringworm)


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