Good Morning,
Hope you all had a good weekend.  Chester did not do good this weekend.  It 
was hot out in 90s.  I kept him in basement and kept putting wash rag w/cold 
water on him.  Basement was very cool and his body should be able to 
regulate temp.  Was not moving around much-took his temp and I thought he 
might have fever but it was good 101.  Yesterday he did not eat or drink.  
Should I try Pedialyte?  Do they like the taste?  Tried everything-canned 
tuna, turkey lunch meat, and treats.  Has baby food worked?  Any ideas?  Has 
gone to the bathroom, eyes and gums look good, is responsive to our voices 
but no energy.  Is this just the heat?  We got a CVC Wed and results were 
very good-healty blood.  But bad news too-my other cat Timmy is also 
positive.  Scheduled retest in 8 weeks and praying for false positives. 

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