
Go with your gut instinct for sure.  Also, if Chester
is not going outside, I would hold off on the flea
meds until he is doing better.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Took your advice and found an internist (I live in
> Cleveland, and 
> surprisingly it took me 3 hours to find the nearest
> one which was 1/2 hour 
> away).  I was not impressed w/this doc at all.  (Had
> all files faxed to him 
> before appt).  He looked at his gums and said he's
> anemic (doc I saw last 
> week after reviewing blood work said that he was
> not-but hasn't eaten much in 
> last few days so maybe that's why he is paler). 
> Listened to heart and said 
> that he had a murmur.  First time I heard this after
> seeing 3 docs now.  Said 
> that he couldn't tell me anything w/o running more
> tests.  When asked a 
> question he would go around in a big circle.  Took
> Chester out of room and 
> said that he wanted to get weight/temp.  Doc came
> back in alone (w/o 
> weight/temp) and said he wanted to do more tests.  I
> asked him about 
> Interferon "it might work it might not, I've had a
> few patients on it".  He 
> talked in all medical terms (I understood him but
> the average patient might 
> not and he probably does this on purpose).  I asked
> him what he suggeted and 
> what it would cost.  Here's what he said
> Exam $88
> Films-2 views $121.35
> Films-additional views $76.40
> Rads Films $44.52
> PCV/PP Lab $13.48
> CBC $51.72
> SMAC/Profile Lab $93.62
> Felv $28.69
> FIP $46
> Toxoplasmosis $71.78
> Urinalysis $38.97
> Ultrasound 2 Cavaties $238.50
> Ultrasound PR Reg $134.83
> Hospitalization (outpatient) $25.84
> Grand Total $1073.70
> And this is w/o saying he might want to do a blood
> transfusion!
> I think this doc is crazy, I wouldn't put him
> through a blood transfusion.
> Chester's appetite is still not great.  But he was
> very hungry yesterday 
> morning and ate dry food.  Today I got him to eat a
> very little bit of 
> applesauce.  Have tried baby food and he doesn't
> like it.  I will try the 
> chicken broth.  He is still drinking water-and that
> is good.  Are your 
> furbabies on flea meds or should I not give him his
> next dose?  I am going to 
> call the last 2 doc and ask her to order Interferon.
>  Prayers going out for 
> everyone.
> Lisa
> --
> WOW! Homepage (

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