I remember now where I got the info regarding the increased viral loads after routine vaccinations...I called for a consultation at Cornell & talked to one of their vets & she told me about their findings...I believe the study was not yet published (this was around 1999 or 2000) & may not have even been complete at the time, so that's why I don't have a reference to something in print.  All I've been able to come up with so far is the following from VetMedCenter - Consumer - Article Details :
"Vaccination of FIV positive cats is controversial. While it is essential that risks of common diseases such as Panleukopenia and upper respiratory infections be eliminated, vaccination may pose some risk for the immune-compromised cat. Many veterinarians will elect to devise a modified vaccination protocol for FIV positive cats. This usually includes extended vaccination intervals and the use of killed vaccines. "
So, I've just elected not to give Simba any further vaccinations since his initial round as a kitten.  I'll try to find more info about that research, since I'd rather give you some hard evidence, rather than just my word.  If I find anything, I'll let you know.  Take care!

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