Have you tried finger feeding him meantime Elizabeth? I had to do that with my Flavia and Caramel for a while--I gave them the high-cal Hills prescription food from vet--they were happy to take it from my finger. (They cdn't smell the food and if cats can't smell, they have no inclination to eat for themselves--once it was smeared inside their mouths they were able to taste/eat it.)
Can't find your orig post but so glad he coughed up the rogue floss.
Love your drawings which I saw for first time today. They are out of this world.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: Shakiti Update

I'm just a little worried about the boy.  He doesn't seem to be eating.  Just tried to tempt him with some chicken broth but no such luck.  He did eat a little treat but tossed it back up shortly thereafter.  I may call the vet in the morning.  Going down there anyway to get Mama Kitty her B12 shot.
In a message dated 6/22/2006 10:03:35 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What a fantastic story!!!  I am so happy that Shakiti
coughed the floss up!  Yea!  I will pray that he
continues to improve and by tomorrow, there are no
signs of any problems at all, and he's back to normal!


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> As soon as the vet got in from lunch - I called him.
>  They had been  watching
> Shakiti all afternoon and given him peroxide as an
> emetic...but no  sign of
> dental floss. 

> We discussed the prospects of surgery.  He said he
> really  hated to do
> unnecessary surgery - but on the other hand didn't
> want to  put Shakiti's health and
> life at risk.  I told him I  really did not know
> what would be best for my
> boy and he said that he would be  willing for me to
> watch him a day or two.  He
> felt that if Shakiti made it  through Friday without
> any problems - he would
> probably be ok. 

> I told them I would be there in a bit and that I
> would stay up all night 
> with him if necessary. 

> I said prayers all the way there. 

> When I got there, I expected to just pay the bill -
> get my boy and  go - but
> they called me back into a room and said,
> 'Elizabeth, we have  a problem'.  My
> heart sank.  I think it stopped beating.  I could
> feel the tears starting to
> burn.

> *graphic description  alert*
> In a bit, the doctor and the vet tech came out with
> a folded towel.   They
> opened up the towel and there were a number of spots
> of bright  red blood along
> about an 8 inch streak that Shakiti had
> regurgitated.  They told me the blood
> was a bad sign.  They said - all day we have  been
> watching for Shakiti to
> throw up and nothing...but while you were on the
> way here, he started to vomit. 

> Well...I looked at it carefully...and the vet tech
> looked at it 
> carefully...and then we both looked right at each
> other and said 'Wait a  minute!  What's
> that?!?' 

> What was it?  Just a big wad of dental floss.  The
> doctor got  some tweezers
> and it stretched out nearly 2 feet!
> *end graphic  content*

> Oh my goodness -- you can't imagine the waves of
> relief and the change in  my
> face, the doctor's face and the vet tech's face.  It
> was the whole piece  -
> unbroken.  The doctor believes now that the blood
> must have been from  retching
> the foul thing up -- he said that is not uncommon in
> cats.

> They wanted to keep the baby overnight but I made
> 'big eyes' and said, 
> 'Couldn't I take him home and watch over him?' -- I
> just know that I would watch 
> and baby him like crazy and spoil him rotten while
> they would have to leave 
> him overnight.  They agreed. 

> They gave him a steroid shot to decrease any
> inflammation and some demerol 
> for pain and discomfort.  I am to watch for any
> further signs of vomiting  or
> if he hides like he feels bad and tomorrow I can
> start him on canned  food if
> he feels ok.

> He is being a perfect angel and he has forgiven me
> completely.  He's  staring
> into space happy as a clam with his demerol buzz.
> Everytime I tell  him how
> good he is - he smiles at me and purrs. 

> Oh!  And the great news is the Shakiti tested
> negative for FeVL  today.  His
> shots are up to date and as soon as he feels better
> he  can wreak havoc and
> pester Tiffany just like good ol' times.

> Mama Kitty still looks great -- although I've got to
> have a little 
> discussion with her about the headless baby bunny
> gift she left for me this  afternoon.

> Thanks for being there you guys....you rock.

> p.s.  Always, always flush your floss.


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