Thanks so much Tonya!
(tried to email you directly as sooo o/t but non possibile--apologies to all)
My dad is just extraordinary---he has been diagnosed as having stage 4 cancer (terminal; no treatment) but he's carrying on with a more or less normal life...a friend who called me while I was in Scotland to ask how he was was as amazed by my reply as I was after I popped my head out the door: "Well, right now, he's changing tractor tyres"! He's never once complained (and in fact his standard reply when anyone asks how he is, is what it's pretty well been all his life: "no complaints"!). But he's not in denial--he knows exactly the score: he floored me (and I'm sure all of us around the table) when he commented matter-of-factly last week "while I'm still able to eat, I'd really like to taste a lobster".
Needless to say my sisters are now all scrabbling to organise a lobster feast.
Thanks for the good Danny advice--I hadn't thought of crate--will pass to B.
Plumbing pretty well resolved, tho found (in time) another potentially ghastly leak today--fortunately there was already a container in place. Teeth also fixed so I don't scare the horses any more. Well, maybe I do, but not for that reason.
Thanks again for your good wishes Tonya!
hugs, Kerry
----- Original Message -----
From: catatonya
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: o/t advice needed

Gosh Kerry!  How is your father on top of everything else?  I think of you often.
As far as the cat spraying,  I would recommend she start over and crate the cat for a while so the 2 can get used to each other more gradually.  Then let it have a small room like a bathroom, etc..... If it sprays it goes back into the crate.. etc.... Is the cat neutered?
Also I'd try the feliway dispensers.  And if none of that shows promise I'd try the kitty prozac ( I don't remember what it's called.)
Good luck with everything. Plumbing problems suck.  I had that blue poly that was recalled at my old house and had several major floods until I replumbed the entire house.

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