I put a link to both your websites on my cats' site.  Kris, I have just started reading your Blog.  I am up to May 09.  Are you in the process of publishing your book?  How is that going?

gwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just got to look at Bailey's website - I think it is so nice that you do a
site for him, and I'm glad to know others are using the 'net this way, as I
am, to tell their stories and save other pets from early fates. And you're
right - they're cute from any angle!! :) If you don't mind, I am going to
put a link on my site for Spaz to yours. I will also send her story and a
few pics to your site when I get some more time. Thanks for the offer!! I
would like to change Spaz's all around so that I can have other people's
stories as well, among other things. It was the first and only website I've
ever done, so there's a lot to learn!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: Everybody's talent

> Hubby works his behind off so I can be home with the furkids all day
> and do free websites for animal rescues. Mostly customizing their
> petfinder sites, I also do a website for one of my yahoo talk groups. A
> few of my animal rescue clients have their own domains and I design and
> maintain their websites also. I have a few paying clients and own and run
> a small web hosting company. I don't really make any money but I break
> even on the hosting company so that's all that matters.
> I work with about 30 rescue groups, thank goodness they don't all update
> on a regular basis or I'd be in big trouble, as it is I'm so far behind
> now with the website updating that it's really hard to keep up and it's
> going to take me awhile to get caught up if I ever do. Looking for a
> hobby??!!
> I'm working on a new site that is dedicated to Bailey my sweet positive
> that I lost in May. I haven't really had time lately to do much with it.
> If anyone would like to contribute an article or some good links for info,
> please send them, Or if you'd like to send your positives story/stories
> and photos I would really love it (there's a form right on the site where
> you can submit your story and photos)!!
> FeLVPositiveFelines.org
> http://FeLVPositiveFelines.org
> Well back to work ...
> --
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> http://bemikitties.com
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> http://adopt.bemikitties.com
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> http://bemikitties.com/cls
> HostDesign4U.com [affordable hosting & web design]
> http://HostDesign4U.com
> ------------
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]
> http://bmk.bemikitties.com

No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines

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