Hey Elizabeth,

I am so happy and relieved to hear that Shakiti is
doing so wonderfully!!!  You're such a great cat mom
to take care of all your furbabies like you do.  

I have Veterinary Pet Insurance.  It's ok.  I pay
about $90 a year for each kitty I have insured.  When
Cricket was initially diagnosed with FeLV in 2003, I
submitted $208 in fees, and they reimbursed me $117. 
There is a $50 deductible per claim though.  Then two
years later, when he developed the anemia,  I
submitted two different claims, one for $245 and one
for $102, and they paid $108 and $47 respectively.  So
it certainly isn't an investment, but it does help if
you have a sick kitty.  Every bit helps.  I've paid on
two other of my kitties for almost ten years now, and
haven't had to make but a few claims, but what it has
done in the past is give me peace of mind that if I am
looking at an expensive treatment, I don't have to
make a choice between life or death.  Some other
examples of benefits are:  They pay up to $800 towards
chemo treatments (174$ per treatment).  They pay up to
$110 towards a transfusion, which is between 3 and 4
hundred dollars on average.  If a kitty develops
hyperthyroidism and you want to do the radioiodine
treatment on her, which is between 1 to 1.5k$, they
reimburse $528.  You have to pay everything up front
and then submit for reimbursement.  I am actually
considering dropping coverage on the two I still have
covered, but am not sure yet.  I like having the peace
of mind.  Once I am financially secure in the next
couple of years, I will drop it for sure because I
should be able to cover whatever comes along.  I don't
remember if they ask about pre-existing conditions.  I
don't think it's like a human, where you have to get a
physical first, but I've been with them so long, I
don't really remember.  I think you just sign them up.
 I know what you mean about writing off pet treatments
on your taxes.  That thought comes into my mind every
time I get back into the car after visiting the vet!!!

I feed my babies Innova Evo wet and dry.  Only 3 out
of 4 of my kitties like it.  I think it's great.  I
believe we pay about 28$ for a case of it.  

Here's to Shakiti and Mama Kitty kicking butt and
taking names (in the health department of course, not
the bunny dept.)  ;)


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