
What a beauty she is!


--- Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kerry,
> Thank you so much for your thoughts.  You are right,
> to have a support group
> would make a big difference.
> What I wonder is, if I lost Satch, would I adopt
> another FeLV+ cat?  I like
> taking in the hard-to-adopt animals, because it does
> feel so good, so I
> think that I might, but I'm not sure - a support
> system would be a big
> change in this.  My Humane Society is no kill, so I
> don't feel like I need
> to rescue this kitten, which is nice, they do an
> excellent job of finding
> homes for their animals.  But just take a look at
> her:
> What a cutie!  :)
> And how wonderful about the retest, Kerry!!!  Did
> you follow a course of
> treatment to obtain this result?  If you've already
> discussed publicly,
> please send me the archived conversation, I'd love
> to read it.
> As I've said privately in thanking those others
> who've responded, I'm really
> thrilled to have found this group!
> Leslie
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 16:25:10 -0500
> From: "MacKenzie, Kerry N."
> Subject: RE: Introduction and new cat question
> To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> Message-ID:
>        <
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Welcome Leslie! It's good to have you on board,
> although I'm sorry for
> the reason you've had to find us.
> I think you just answered your own question.
> I think the capacity for heartbreak and pain that
> often accompanies a
> commitment to our little FeLV souls varies according
> to the individual
> (I say "often", by the way, because quite a few
> members have FeLV
> positives that are a ripe old age, and happily still
> going strong).  I
> have been humbled and amazed and inspired in turn by
> the sheer
> dedication of so many of the wonderful people on
> this list to the
> welfare of cats in need. Many--most?--of them have
> suffered heartbreak
> over and over again but somehow gather the strength
> to keep going, to do
> whatever they can for cats in need. I know I could
> not have got through
> losing so many---4 sweet positives, 2 of whom I lost
> one after another
> on the same awful day, and months later, a darling
> CRF cat, who I had
> "fostered-for-life" in the meantime--without the
> support of the group. I
> know that I'll lose more (unless I go first!); but I
> feel I'll get
> through it. Knowing I can perhaps do a little to
> help improve the
> quality of life of a cat that is totally dependent
> on me has so far
> outweighed any inclination I may have had to protect
> myself from further
> grief. But, I have to add that for me, at any rate,
> it would have been
> much, much harder without the tremendous support of
> this group.
> We'll be here for you, too.
> My positives all enjoyed each other's company for
> the short time (18
> months - 2 years) that they had, and I know that
> having each other added
> to their quality of life. I have scores of photos of
> them playing and
> cuddling up together which make me smile now, even
> though they're no
> longer physically with me.
> I'd say, go for it!
> And welcome again!
> Kerry PS On an even happier note, when I retested
> the 5th (and only
> remaining) kitten of the original colony of 6, he
> tested negative---he's
> thrown off the virus. Yes, that can happen too. I
> didn't really believe
> it until I saw it for myself.

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