I'm glad 'what's her name' will be coming home soon, (I'm sure she'll let you know soon enough what she wants to be called!). High hopes and prayers that she turns out to be one of the fortunate and lives a long, healthy life. I think we would all do better concerning ourselves with tomorrow, but living in the "now". Re Satchmo and the little one... I would talk to him about her coming to live with you. Let him know that she's to be HIS kitten, that you are bringing her home so he will have someone to watch over and play with. The "you were once in her place and she needs us" logic doesn't seem to work as well with my crew! I'm sure with as many kitties as you've had, I don't have to remind you to take the introductions slowly and to shower Satch with attention. Let us know all about it.
Hugs to you, and congratulations,

It seems to be the same phenomenon of the day that you're getting your hair cut, your have a great hair day - because Satch has been in this sweet, I'm-an-only-cat love-bug mood of late. He must know. ;) Leslie

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