Hideyo, my heart goes out to you.  You have done such an amazing job in caring for these cats, you haven't let one of them down for a second.  All of my well wishes and Satch's naughty-cat energy will be pointed toward you and your cats.
And Sherry, so sorry to here about Nya.  It's true what the others have said, that her life was the better for it, even if it was too short by our standards.
MC, Maggie, and Nina, thank you so much for replying to my email.  MC what a great wealth of information that was, that makes me feel a lot better about bringing in Powder...and losing Hepburn oddly enough.  Nina, thanks for you story of the healthy kittens, and Maggie, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that your two stay on this side of the vet's amazement.  :)
I've actually been thinking about that comment about how cat's perceive things.  No yesterday, no tomorrow, just now.  Hungry now, happy now, in pain now, pet me now.  It's true and it makes things much simpler. 
I don't think that I'll keep the name Powder (she's female) because it makes me think of the movie or a dilute calico, and her colors are pretty sharp.  I don't know what I'll name her, I'll have to see what strikes me.  I hope to pick her up tonight, but it'll be after work, so if the humane society needs to speak to my landlord, I'll have to wait until tomorrow.  :)
It seems to be the same phenomenon of the day that you're getting your hair cut, your have a great hair day - because Satch has been in this sweet, I'm-an-only-cat love-bug mood of late.  He must know.  ;)

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