Thanks for the sweet story Beth.  Aren't kittens just the best?  I remember well being "plastered with kittens" myself.  Makes me smile just thinking about it.  Gotta love those babies!!

Gary Murphy wrote:

Hi everyone, I'm up early as I have to work all weekend and I just have to tell someone how darling my kittens are.  I worked late yesterday, got in dead tired at 10:30 and went into the bedroom to set the alarm.  The 4 newly unsequestered kittens came racing in and lined up in a row on the edge of the bed to get a treat.  (we've been luring them into the room at night by shaking the treat bag, guess they've got that lesson down pat!)  I turned off the light and layed down, hubby stayed up to watch Letterman, but fell asleep in the lazy boy out in the tv room.  Some time latter I woke up plastered with kittens.  One laying on top of each arm, one on my back, and Will on my head, and all of them purring like crazy!!!  Even on not much sleep, this was just pure bliss.  Normally they sleep in bed, but I'll only have one at a time snuggled up to me.  Guess they missed me while I was working late...
I adore my kittens!

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