Hi Kat,
Thank you for the suggestion, it's good one.  When the vet calls back I'll ask if he has any recommendations, I don't believe that they board at their office.  If the cost is more than changing the ticket, then I'll stay, if not, I'll go.  And hopefully he wouldn't need to get forcefed the whole five days, so my boyfriend could pick up him before I got back, but I should be prepared for that.
I'm calmer now, I've woken up a tiny bit more.  I was awake just petting Satch and listening to him breathe the better part of the night, so I'm a little cranky and a touch emotional.  :) 
I just can't see this being it for him.  He's in such good health otherwise, and the cost of bringing a sweet little kitten home to pass canNOT be his life.  The world just canNOT work like that.
I'm adamant also.  :)


Hi Leslie,

Sorry for all of your turmoil about your trip.
Can you have Satch boarded at your vets office while you are gone?
That way they can force feed him (and they are usually pros at it)
or even give him nutrients via IV if necessary.  It would give you alot
more peace of mind during your trip...

Kat (Mew Jersey)
On Tue, 22 Aug 2006, Leslie wrote:

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