Guys, is this true???  Pos Elisa and Neg IFA is bad??  What's everyone
opinion regarding what what Cracker's vet said??


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/26/06 5:17:29 PM >>>
I forgot to mention something important. My vet had told me that when a
is positive on Elissa test and then has a Positive IFA that  the two 
results from the two tests is better then having a POS Elissa and  a
IFA.He said when Elissa is POS and IFA is NEG sometimes the virus is 
hiding in 
bone marrow. He said that he believes that a cat has a better chance 
throwing off virus if both tests are POS considering they arent a
false/pos.  He said 
best to recheck in 6 months and see what tests say. But he did warn me 
just because Crackers is very healthy now DOES NOT mean he will always
that way and he may keep the virus permantly! But as mommies/daddies we
give up hope. The one thing he said that made me down a little was that
suggests  that I keep Crackers my only pet. I am aching for a kitten or
2  or 3. I 
miss watching Crackers having a play buddy. He loved Pokies. He said 
the 2nd testing in March we can discuss that topic. I know most of you 
multi/ cats POS and NEG. Dr. said if I was too adopt another POS Cat or
one Crackers now has a risk factor. So right now new babies is on the 
burner. I just have to keep looking at all your great sites and
Crackers  loves 
sitting on my lap looking and the Kittys! Then we have our other
much love and great thoughts to all
Kayte AND Crackers
P.S. sorry so long
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