Dear Yvonne,
I'm so sorry about your little Peanut.  It sounds like you did everything possible to help her and your final decision, was of course difficult for you, but the kindest one for her.  Do your best to not second guess yourself, she was ready to move on or she wouldn't have stopped swallowing like that.  I know how hard it is to let go of the hope for a miracle, but she no longer needs you to fret about her care.  You gave her a wonderful life and right up until her last breath you did your best to make wise and unselfish decisions based on what was best for her.  Didn't I read that she was healthy and strong until this final illness overcame her?  That's the sort of life and passing that I pray for for all those I love.  I hope you can take some comfort in knowing how grateful she must be to have been such an important member of your family.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their good wishes & prayers.  Unfortunately, the antibiotics & fluids did not get any response.  They tried to syringe feed Peanut at the vet & she wasn't even swallowing.  At that point, they decided it was more likely to be cancer (lymphoma) that was causing the problem & not hepatitis. They did not feel that there was any chance to turn things around.   I brought her home overnight & held her, talked to her & prayed, prayed, prayed for either a miracle or the strength to let her go.  I really thought she would pass at home, but by 5:00 on Friday, she was still with us & seemed to be getting into quite a bit of pain and/or discomfort, so we decided to make the trip to the vet to help her to the Bridge.  It was so hard & it just seems so wrong that we only got 2 and half months with her.  She's a beautiful calico girl with the most gorgeous emerald green eyes.  I will miss her climbing up my pant legs whenever I was doing anything that involved food...she had so much personality.  I just hope to God that I did the right thing.  Belinda, can you please add Peanut to the Bridge list?  Thank you all for being there.
Yvonne & Angel Peanut

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