I just wanted to share this with you, looking back on the things that I will/won't do differently in the future.
1.  Microchip everything.  I should microchip the car.  Even with the slight snag with Satch's chip, I feel that they would have sorted it out and gotten him to me.
2.  Put a bumper sticker on your car.  I hate bumper stickers, but putting out a notice on a nondescript white car - which matches the description of 90% of cars out there, it seems, I'm going to put a pink one on there from a CD store back home.  License plates numbers are hard to remember and easy to remove - bumper stickers aren't.
3.  Collars.  I don't think that having the cats in a carrier would have been better - in fact maybe worse, because they wouldn't be able to leave the car, but even as indoor cats, I see how collars are a good idea.
4.  Cut off switch in the car.  Who would want this car?  I felt, and still feel to some extent, but whether or not I know the answer to that is not the point.  I don't know who and I don't know why, I just know that they did and if there's a simple fix to prevent it from happening again, even if it probably won't ever in my lifetime, I am going to take it in order to feel safer.
5.  Be a member of this list for life.  Give back, be open, because you will probably never meet such a wonderful and supportive group of people your entire life. 
Stay safe you all, I'm off to stiller waters - though I know that my tv-viewing public will be so sad by that.  :)

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