I think it's good that you are allowing everyone to come and see Dukee.

Hideyo and I were just talking about how when kitties get cold to the touch like that they sometimes don't seem to want to be warmed up.  That the do just the opposite and go and lay down on tile or some such thing.  I don't understand why that should be either.

I have tried wrapping him in my sweatshirt that he likes to sit on...which is warm from me.
He continues to move around and won't stay in the same spot long.
He is agitated.
He prefers the coolness as well for whatever reasons.
I'm allowing all the cats to come and go in the computer room. As they see Dukee and some are giving him kisses (licks on the head) and others are sitting close by.
They were driving me nuts scratching at the door wanting in.

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