Prayers that Lucy is just worn out from being sick and that she bounces back very soon. Is she drinking water on her own? If she's hydrated, I don't think I'd give her anymore fluid right now. It just seems the extra fluid, esp on a fast, won't help diarrhea. It's just a gut impulse, I don't know if it has anything to do with what might really help her. I'll be anxiously awaiting your post that tells us she's feeling better and pooping better too.
Hugs my dear,

Lucy's diarrhea has gotten significantly worse-- she had a large quantity of liquid diarrhea 5 times today. She also vomited up the raw food that I syringed her, about 5 hours after she ate it. She is purry and able to go up and down stairs, but a bit out of it. I will call the vet in the am as soon as they open. Please send her energy, prayers, etc. I gave her about 100 ml of fluids this morning. Do you think I should give her more? I am not force-feeding her any more today and have removed all food, hoping that by fasting her for 12-18 hours it will stop the diarrhea. This has worked for her before, and is recommended on a lot of websites. I have to believe this is from the antibiotics, as she had been doing well before getting the URI and going on antibiotics, and on day 4 of clavamox she suddenly went from completely solid stools to complete liquid, with no in-between. I am assuming that it happened from accumulated effect of the clavamox. I am hoping, anyway. Probiotics did not nothing, and may have made her worse, as she is worse today than she was yesterday. If anyone has any thoughts about whether or not I should give her more fluids, please let me know. Otherwise, I am not giving her anything else tonight, will talk to the vet in the morning and plan to fast her, and then will see if she will eat some cooked turkey with fiber powder mixed in (her usual fare is cooked turkey with fiber and bone meal and taurine, E, and B vitamins mixed in). I am quite worried about her. Last night, despite having had diarrhea in the morning, she was very perky and playful, and this morning came running to see me in the morning. She has declined through the day with increased diarrhea. She likes me to pet her, and she purrs a lot, but is pretty wiped out. As I guess would be expected from diarrhea and vomiting. Thanks,

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