If he is putting it in cat food or mixed with meat, it is not for the  rats.  
shooting cats may be illegal. I would definitely make a report to  the 
police/animal control. Unless you are worried about calling attention to the  
at all.
Maybe the best thing to do is call Merry and talk to her about it, as she  is 
active with some of the groups and also has some credibility with the  
political players...
In a message dated 11/19/2006 4:59:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I have a neighbor who  hates cats and started to put rat poisons in his yard 
to kill all the cats who  comes to his yard – he also shoots cats and I am so 
worried about my feral and  all other kitties who belong to someone and go 
there. .he told me that he  already killed three – one described sounds like my 
calico feral and haven’t  seen her last night and I am very worried. .what is 
rat poison made out of –  is it attractive to cats?  He said that he threw cats 
who were dead  outside of the fence yesterday, but I did not see anyone in 
the alley – it’s  so awful – I was thinking of warning neighbors with flyers – 
but is there  anything I can do (putting a rat poison is not illegal – he 
will claim that he  is trying to kill rats)


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