First of all -- welcome!  You won't find a nicer, smarter group of people 
anywhere.  We're glad you are here!

Second - take a deep breath.  FeVL+ is not always a death sentence.  Euthanasia 
is standard operating procedures in some vet circles.   Same thing happened to 
me last May when I took Mama Kitty in to the vet.  She had lost a lot of weight 
and was so scary thin.  She was extremely lethargic and not eating.  Vet said 
she tested positive for FeVL and was very anemic and recommended putting her to 
sleep.  I got big tears in my eyes and said - well I'm just not ready to say 
goodbye.  He put Mama Kitty on antibiotics and gave her a steroid shot and put 
her on pet tinic (which she despises, but that's another story)

That's when I became a google fiend and found this group.  I read everything I 
could find and I decided to try Acemannan.  My vet had never heard of it but 
said he would be willing to try it.  He found out the protocols and procedures 
and I supplied him with a distributor.  He got it within two days.  It's a bit 
expensive..it was $300 for 5 shots - given once a week in the tummy...but to 
us, it was worth every penny.

Within a few days, Mama Kitty began to get her appetite back.  She visibly felt 
better.  By the time she had her second and third shots - her coat was looking 
better and she was beginning to gain weight.  By the fifth shot - she was 
playing with her toys!  She has continued to improve and has for all practical 
purposes reverted to kittenhood.  My neighbors have commented on the remarkable 

I don't want to give you false hope.  FeVL is an evil disease.  Most of the 
cats who perish from it do so not because of the feline leukemia itself, but 
because their immune system is so weakened, they are more prone to infection 
and other diseases.  There ARE treatments available, however, and people on 
this list have tried a number of things with success.  Some cats live many, 
many years after testing positive.  Most important is to start your baby on a 
good healthy diet and keep her stress-free...give her lots of love and remember 
that every day is precious.  

Third, love and prayers to you and your baby.  What's kitty's name?  How old is 


In a message dated 11/23/06 08:32:02 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I just joined this list today, Thanksgiving Day.  Yesterday my kitty was 
diagnosed with feline leukemia, she is just barely one year old and I have had 
her less than a year (by a few weeks).

She has not been her usual self, not getting into everything, not eating, 
lethargic, breathing labored.  Vet said the test results were strong and came 
back very quickly (a blue response in a little white tester almost like a home 
pregnancy test instrument), they administered fluids to her for dehydration and 
the spot where they inserted the needle bled alot, did not coagulate very well.

Vet is recommending euthanasia and soon (tomorrow), she has responded today to 
probably the shot he gave her, she has gone to the bathroom and this am drank a 
small amount of catsmilk from Wisker's, licked some cat food off my fingers but 
not much.

I am thinking of trying to get a second opinion tomorrow.  I need some guidance 
here so I joined this list.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.


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