The purpose of the large needle is so the fluids flow quickly.  Are you getting 
it into the area in the nape of the neck, the skin there, in one smooth motion? 
 I am told that area has limited nerve endings.  Also, are you warming the 
fluids before giving them?  Placing the bag in a bowl of warm water before 
administering, so that the fluids are closer to a cat's body temperature, will 
help a lot.
  You can go one size smaller but it will make the processw take longer.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hey guys,

I have a box of Terumo needles, 18 guage. The needles
seem so big when I give subQ to my CRF/hyperT kitty,
and she's fairly uncomfortable when I insert it. Can
subQ be done well with a smaller needle? If so, what


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