Where are you at Karen?

Karen & Phil Masaoka wrote:

Hi All,

I'm Karen - I'm new here.
I've been reading about poor Bandy & Tiny & have tears in my eyes. I feel so sad for you guys. We lost our baby, Mr. Spock, a week ago. He was just 6 months when we got him & was FELV+ and had a great year with us and his best pal L'il Abner (also FELV+). Then he was diagnosed with lymphoma, and he did very well with chemotherapy for almost two months; then a sudden decline. We were very saddened to lose him; he was my little baby & such a trooper to put up with everything he went through recently. And he went through so much. (Can I attach a picture to this forum?)

Now Abner is super-depressed. We have to get him another pal ASAP. But it's so costly (emotionally & financially) to lose a cat every year (we also lost Max a year ago).

My vet says we could get a healthy cat & she can inject him with a great FELV vaccine & he has 85% chance of not getting the virus. But we could never forgive ourselves if he got sick. So Phil, my husband, says let's get a healthy cat that's about to be euthanized and then we would at least be saving him for awhile even if he DOES get the virus. Problem is, vet says to keep new cat separate from Abner for 25 days & then she'll inject him again, and THEN they can be together. But Abner's sooooo depressed, I don't think he can last that long. So we'll have to get another FELV cat for him -- any thoughts as to whether a 4-yr-old may live longer than a 1-yr-old diagnosed with the FELV virus? What's the longest life you know of in a FELV+ indoor cat?

I think this is a great support group.

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