*Karen, bless you and your husband for opening your hearts to another FeLV
kitty!  *
*Leslie =^..^=*

On 12/25/06, Karen & Phil Masaoka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Near Denver CO

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephanie E
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2006 9:53 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Seeking a pal for L'il Abner

Where are you at Karen?

Karen & Phil Masaoka wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm Karen - I'm new here.
> I've been reading about poor Bandy & Tiny & have tears in my eyes.  I
> feel so sad for you guys.
> We lost our baby, Mr. Spock, a week ago.  He was just 6 months when we
> got him & was FELV+ and had a great year with us and his best pal L'il
> Abner (also FELV+).  Then he was diagnosed with lymphoma, and he did
> very well with chemotherapy for almost two months; then a sudden
> decline.  We were very saddened to lose him; he was my little baby &
> such a trooper to put up with everything he went through recently.
> And he went through so much.  (Can I attach a picture to this forum?)
> Now Abner is super-depressed.  We have to get him another pal ASAP.
> But it's so costly (emotionally & financially) to lose a cat every
> year (we also lost Max a year ago).
> My vet says we could get a healthy cat & she can inject him with a
> great FELV vaccine & he has 85% chance of not getting the virus.  But
> we could never forgive ourselves if he got sick.  So Phil, my husband,
> says let's get a healthy cat that's about to be euthanized and then we
> would at least be saving him for awhile even if he DOES get the virus.
> Problem is, vet says to keep new cat separate from Abner for 25 days &
> then she'll inject him again, and THEN they can be together.  But
> Abner's sooooo depressed, I don't think he can last that long.  So
> we'll have to get another FELV cat for him -- any thoughts as to
> whether a 4-yr-old may live longer than a 1-yr-old diagnosed with the
> FELV virus?  What's the longest life you know of in a FELV+ indoor cat?
> I think this is a great support group.
> Karen

Leslie     =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That
only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

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