Michelle, I am so sorry to hear about Lucy.  I hope
you get better news at the vet office. I know what you
mean about loving all of your babies but there is one
that just captures your heart and soul. It sounds like
you are doing everything for your sweet baby. I will
be praying for both of you.

Cindy Reasoner 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her to
> the ER. They did blood  
> work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver
> enzymes are low. They took 
> xrays  and it looked to them (ER doctors, who I
> don't really trust to read xrays  
> totally correctly) like she has fluid in her abdomen
> and an enlarged heart. 
> They  tapped the fluid and could not tell what it
> is. With IV fluids and some  
> torbutrol her temp came down to 100.6 in two hours.
> I then took her home,  
> against their advice, because they did not seem to
> think they could do anything  
> and she was miserable there. I have an appointment
> for 7:30 am at Red Bank, 
> the  best vet hospital in the state, with an
> oncologist. It is 2 hours away, so 
> we  need to leave at 5:30 am. Lucy hates car rides,
> but I want a better 
> diagnosis,  and I want it from the best people. 
> Except for the fact that she is 
> still  eating (probably not normally, but not
> completely terribly either) and 
> alert,  and her protein ratio which does not point
> to FIP, her clinical signs and 
> blood  work otherwise could mean wet FIP. The ER vet
> thinks it's lymphoma.  
> She  was trying to convince me that FeLV+ cats dont
> respond to chemo, even 
> though I  told her I had one who did and know others
> with cats who have.  It is  
> possible it is FIP, it is possible that it is
> lymphoma so bad that nothing can  
> be done or that she has heart problems that will
> complicate chemo and I can't 
> do  it.  But I want to try, at least, to get a
> better diagnosis before 
> deciding  all of this.  She is happy to be home for
> now.  She ate a little bit  of 
> cooked turkey, probably 10 or 15 little pieces. 
> Please pray hard for her.  It does not look good. I
> hope she can at  least 
> have some good time left. she is my baby, more than
> any of the others,  though I 
> love them too. she is my love.
> Michelle

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