Well, Lucy screamed while they were feeling around her belly trying to find  
the place to put the needle in, but while they drained she just laid in my 
arms  and purred.  The fluid, which I was told was clear and thin on January 16 
and 17 when samples were taken, looked pale yellow to me and the vet said the  
consistency was a bit thick. He sent some more out to be analyzed, but he 
feels  quite sure it is fip.
He filled a small bowl 2 or 3 times with fluid-- I would guess at least 100  
or 200 cc's.  And when the fluid stopped coming, he said he had reached the  
end of that "pocket," but she still has a huge belly. He said he did not want 
to  keep poking her all over trying to find the pockets to drain it from, and 
wants  me to just see how she does with that much drained. He did not think her 
 breathing was bad to begin with.  He put the 1/2 cc dexamethasone shot into  
the catheter when it stopped draining. He said her belly may fill up faster 
now,  since proteins were taken out of circulation by draining from the abdomen 
and  lower proteins enable more effusion. I guess that is why some people 
have said  it filled up faster after being drained.
He was amazed that she is still eating. I think it must just be all the  
pred. I asked for leukeran. He wants to wait a couple of days and see what the  
new fluid analysis says and how she does on the increased pred and the dex that 
she got in her belly today.  He is worried the leukeran might suppress her  
bone marrow more. He really does not think the fluid is from ibd or lymphoma, 
as  he said he has never seen either create anywhere near this amount of  fluid.
She was happy to get home and walked around a little, though she looked a  
little wobbly. At one point she actually ran for about 20 feet or so, and her  
poor jelly belly swung from side to side as she did. Now she is camped out on  
the heating pad by her new favorite spot, a bookshelf where she heard a mouse  
this morning.  She has been purring a lot more today, I think because I  gave 
her more pred this morning and maybe she has had some fever and that took  it 
away, I don't know.
I so don't want to lose her, but know what Hideyo said is right.  I  asked 
the vet about coming to the home for euthanasia at some point and he said  he 
will if he can schedule-wise.  I asked him what will get her, as I have  never 
had a cat with wet fip before. He did not know, as most people euthanize  at 
diagnosis of wet fip he said.  Does anyone know? Is it likely to be her  
Or will something else happen? He said she will probably stop eating at  some 
point, despite the steroids. I do not think I will want to force-feed her,  
unless she seems to be otherwise feeling good. 
Right now she is falling asleep.  She is my baby.

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