What about sticky glue traps?  You'd still have to be careful that the
kitties didn't end up wearing them but it would be a lot less painful if
they got caught in one of those than if a mouse trap snapped on them.


On 2/7/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all!  Sorry I haven't been around much lately...life has been
INSANE!!!  My condolensces to anyone who's lost a fur baby.  My thoughts are
with you!  And I'm sending positive thoughts for any sick kitties.

I have a question.  I am almost 100% sure I have mice in the walls of my
bedroom in my apartment.  :(  The maintenance people are offering to put out
traps, but I'm worried about Slinky getting caught in one.

I'm not sure if he'd catch a mouse if he saw one...or what he'd do.  But I
also worry a bit about him getting a disease or something from the rodents.
Has anyone ever heard of any kind of mouse trap that's cat-proof?  Meaning
something that would catch the mice but not hurt Slinky?

I googled "cat proof mouse trap" and all I got was all kinds of mouse
traps with "cat" in the name.  Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated.  Thanks so much for being such a great resource!!!


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