Just want to say I'm sorry that you've had a bad feeling about the responses you've gotten. I haven't been following all the posts, but we've always had such a nice, supportive group, and wish it could be that for you. I hope you can find a place for your sweet kitty. it's hard to judge someone else's life, you just never know what's going on, and the real difficulties that can be there when someone needs to relinquish a beloved kitty.

Hope you can hang in there. Sending you lots of good vibes, hoping that a wonderful home appears.


On Mar 17, 2007, at 10:45 PM, Stephanie E Caldwell wrote:


I’ve offered anyone to email me privately to learn more about my situation. Instead you choose to belittle and question me on a public list.

I’m 24 years old and moving out on my own for the first time.

I work in a family business and am required to give 6 months notice. The family business won’t support me on my own…

So, I took a second 3rd shift job f/t that pays okay with benefits.

I also work off my board at the farm for the one remaining horse I’m keeping.

The cats don’t get along. It’s been 2 years and my geriatric cat is still terrified of him. They must be separated. No way, shape, or form can they live together. She’s FIV+ with heart problems, a growth on her spine, skin problems, and a herniated diaphragm. I’ve had her since the day she was born, and I owned her mother before that.

And, the hours I work caring for 2 cats is going to be hard… very hard. If I can foster him for a year then I’ll be working one job when I take him back and it would be better for all of us involved.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:felvtalk- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:28 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP

I can't help but wonder if there's more going on than that...

Two cats are not that expensive to feed. I feed a lot more. Also, I'm gone 65-70 hours during the week with my job and commute yet people who adopt my foster cats (and who visit my personal cats) always comment on how well socialized they are. And I have been very poor at different times during my life (on unemployment and food stamps in San Francisco in the 1980s) but I worked through it. So I tend to think there is more going on than lack of money, needing a smaller cheaper apartment, and two cats to feed..

If you can find a better placement for the FeLV cat, great, but it is really hard to place a cat with F-anything (FeLV, FIV, etc.) If you want to ensure a good forever home, then it can take months and months before the cat is placed.

By all means, pursue it. But I don't see rehoming one cat as a quick fix.

Can you get a better job, rather than working for hours? Improve your software skills, polish your resume -- in short, work smarter, not harder?



I believe you might need to reread my messages.

He's being neutered at a vet I trust. I have NOT griped over the price or the procedure. I trust this vet, and he's good friends with my large animal vet. He's an excellent vet. I'm not changing vets to save a few dollars.

It's the day in day out cost of having 2 cats and the fact that I'm scheduled to work 80+ hours and he's a very people oriented cat. He needs a home where people are for a while...

> From: Susan Hoffman
> Date: 2007/03/16 Fri PM 10:09:23 EST
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP
> You can't afford to overpay on anything, including a neuter, and it's really hard to find a placement, permanent or foster, for an unaltered male cat. It takes time after the neuter to get the testosterone out of a cat's system and anyone considering taking him in will be concerned with agression and spraying and other behaviors that are common in unnaltered male cats. You will have a much easier time placing him if he is already fixed.
> If the neuter is already paid for, by all means get him in and get it done as soon as possible. Or, if you can get the money back, check around for something cheaper. You don't mention where in NC you are. (My mom's in Hendersonville.) Let me know the town/city and I can check around to see what resources may be available.
> Stephanie E Caldwell wrote:
> st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }st2\:*{behavior:url (#default#ieooui) } Susan,
> I never said I can’t afford to neuter him. I said I WOULD neuter him if someone can take him.
> My other cat is very old and doesn’t like him. He gets along fine. It’s the FIV+ that’s the problem.
> I’m in North Carolina and he has a vet appt that is paid for to be fixed.
> I can’t afford to feed all of us and get a big enough apartment.
> Steph
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:felvtalk- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:01 AM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: Need to place Chief ASAP
> There's no such thing as placing an FeLV+ cat quickly....especially an unneutered male who thus far does not get along with other cats.
> Getting him neutered will go a long ways towards helping him get along with other cats. And n ot having him neutered pretty much guarantees issues.
> Where do you live? There must be low cost neutering available somewhere nearby.
> I am in a position of needing to place my FELV+ quickly.
> I must move by May 1st, and he doesn't get along with my other FIV + Geriatric cat. I will be moving into a small studio and working 2 jobs to keep my head above water. I can not afford a second cat.
> He's scheduled to be neutered next month, I'll pay that if someone can take him. Even it it's temporary for a year. If I must keep him I will, but it means a bigger apartment so I can keep them seperated and it's not an expense I can handle right now.
> If anyone would consider him please email me or call me @ 704-214-7818
> Thanks,
> Steph

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