I've never had or dealt w/ [that I can remember now anyway.....] a cat w/  
this disease...
But I DO remember when my first Rottie was diagnosed with it......
What had me concerned was his lethargy, not common for him.  Just  laying 
around, sleeping alot.
So, I took him to my vet.  Was devastated when I got  results!!!  Mind you, I 
WAS thinking positive, after all, he was my  baby.
It's a nasty disease...... (Very prevalent for his breed as I learned doing  
my research)
We tried everything as it progressed....... PCV's every three days,  
transfusions, epoeitin [sp?], an oncologist, chemo (THREE diff. 
etc., etc.........
Needless to say, and I'm sorry, but after TOO long, I finally had my boy  
He could no longer walk, even get up.  And, the chemo drugs made him  so 
sick..... He couldn't even eat on his own, something he LOVED to do!!!   I 
up "hand-feeding" him.  He developed ulcerations in his mouth  because of all 
he had to take. It got to the point where I was  hand-feeding him a diet of 
cottage cheese!!!! (NOT a great diet for a big  boy......) In the end, my 
"former" big boy weighed only around 60 lbs. (And I do  remember my vet always 
getting on me about his weight....)
It broke my heart, but I'm even more heartbroken about all I put him  
through.  I did it for me - I didn't want to lose him.  But, after all  I put 
thru, I did lose him.  We humans can be so selfish.....
After losing Bear [in a HORRIBLE way- treatment was probably worse than the  
disease!], I made a promise to ALL my babies, I would never let them suffer.  
Found out, the hard way, that in loving the most important thing is  knowing 
when to let go......
Sorry this wasn't about Feline AIHA, but I just had to share what I know  
[sadly, only TOO well] about the disease.....
Best wishes for your baby.....
Patti & her gang (Which DOES include another Rottie!)

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