Thank you, Chris.

On 3/28/07, Chris Behnke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Elizabeth, what a wonderful picture!  She looks like quite a character.
I am so sorry for you loss.


----- Original Message -----
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:07 PM
*Subject:* Re: Good Bye Mama Kitty

Thank you for those kind words with all my heart.  Here is a picture of
Mama Kitty - happy on her porch.  She was a very vocal girl. If you said
something to her - she would say something right back.  She loved everyone.


On 3/28/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh Elizabeth, words can not express my condolences for the loss of Mama
> Kitty.  My first reaction was anger, (I actually cursed at the screen),
> then reading about how ready she was to go, the flood gates opened and I
> cried right along side you.  Thank you for letting us know about her
> message to you, with those purrs I felt a wave of gratitude from her for
> the love you shared.  I feel blessed in knowing you and your allowing us
> to be a small part of your lives together.  I believe with all my heart
> the purrs you heard were Mama comforting you, letting you know that she
> will always be with you and that you did exactly the right thing, (not
> just at the end of her life, but all along your journey together).  It
> gives me comfort to think of her sunning herself on the porch; sleeping
> with you; of how you were in tune enough with her to make sure she spent
> her days the way she wanted to as best you could.  I think the way she
> chose to transition was a gift to you.  She had quality time up until
> the end, (even giving you warning as much as a year before to prepare
> you and alert you to live in the moment with her), and when she was
> ready, she expressed it in a way that could leave no doubt in your mind
> that it was the right decision to help her pass.  What a loving little
> soul she is.  I just want you to know that Mama kitty and your love for
> each other has touched my heart.  Your sweet Angel lives with me too
> now.
> Watch for her Elizabeth, she will be back,
> Nina
> elizabeth trent wrote:
> > Leslie, thank you.
> >
> > By the time we got to the vets office, she was having really
> > bad seizures every few minutes.   She really did not know where she
> > was.  She had lost over a pound this week and her gums were just
> > white.  The vet felt that she was not getting enough oxygen to her
> > brain.  She couldn't stand - she was just like a little rag doll.  Her
> > back was very sensitive - she was obviously in pain - I am not sure
> > why.  I talked to her.  She was ready to go.  She didn't want to be
> > kept alive by extreme measures only to waste away and be in pain.  It
> > was a very hard decision but I believe it was the right one for her.
> > She was very close to death and she was gone in no more than a second
> > or two - she was very calm.
> >
> > There is nothing I wouldn't have done for her - no matter how much it
> > cost...but no amount of money could have given her back her quality of
> > life.  I believe that to have kept going by extreme measures would
> > have been selfish of me.  She made it almost a year after her first
> > crash with an excellent quality of life.  This all happened so fast.
> >
> > I am so glad she slept with me last night.  She knew that she was
> > loved.  I am so grateful for the time we had together.
> >
> > This is so very hard.  We had such a close bond.
> >
> > Every day is a gift.
> > elizabeth

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