Hey Kelley,

Well, I am definitely in violation of city
codes...lol.  So I have no judgement to make.  I just
didn't know if there were certain written or
un-written rules that shelters follow when it comes to
that particular issue.  The contract does ask how many
animals live in the home, so I know it's a factor. 
I'll be interested to hear what the shelter owner
decides to do.  She's in Austin too.

How's Joey doing today?


--- Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, I think pet limit laws are archaic and silly
> and should be abolished.
> But that's beside the point.
> What if the city code were 6 dogs and 5 cats and
> tomorrow they changed
> it to 3 dogs and 2 cats?  I mean, you can't predict
> the future.  What
> if they move somewhere where the code is only 4
> dogs?
> How many of us have had animals
> 1.  in excess of city codes
> 2.  in excess of what was allowed by our landlord
> 3.  in secret from our landlord
> 4...well, I think you get the point.
> Fortunately we don't have animal limit laws here,
> though the shelter
> limits me to 10 (personal and foster) animals at a
> time.
> They only count litters as 1, though.  So all my
> litters, including
> the ones that are almost 2 years old, I count as 1. 
> That's how I get
> around it.  Heh.
> On 4/12/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > I went on my first site visit tonight with my
> friend
> > who lives here in San Antonio.  The only real
> concern
> > she and I both had were that the family already
> has 5
> > dogs and 5 cats.  They live in a regular
> subdivision
> > home in San Antonio (regular size plot-nothing too
> > large, although the backyard is nicely sized). 
> The
> > municipal code says that no more than 5 dogs and 3
> > cats be in one home at a time.  So our question,
> > especially to shelter owners/volunteers, is this:
> if
> > you know adopting a dog out, even if it's to a
> good
> > family, will put that family in violation of city
> > codes, would you do it?  My friend is not the one
> > making the decision; she's just reporting the
> > information to the shelter.  We were just curious
> as
> > to what your thoughts are on this.
> >
> > :)
> > Wendy
> >
> > "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
> committed citizens can change the world: Indeed it
> is the only thing that ever has!"
> >                                                   
>                                   ~~~ Margaret Meade
> ~~~
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > TV dinner still cooling?
> > Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.
> > http://tv.yahoo.com/
> >
> >
> -- 
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> http://www.rescuties.org
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> http://astore.amazon.com/rescuties-20
> Please help Joey!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" 
      ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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