Thanks for your most pleasant reply Mary...I greatly
appreciated it.  I think my biggest questions right
now is transmission.  I have 4 cats already in my
house.  I have the momma and kittens in a spare room
with a baby gate and a towel at the bottom of the baby
gate plus, the spare room has wood floors and my hall
has carpet so there is a very good seal when the door
is closed...I am hoping I am not putting mine at risk,
but from everything I have read I shouldn't be.  The 6
month old boy who tested negative was with the momma
and babies for 4 days in a bathroom.  I am not sure if
they shared food/water bowls but I would guess they
did plus litter boxes. 
I feel like my house is a vet hospital at this
point...I have 2 of my own cat who are diabetics, 1 of
my own with seizures and now I have to bottle feed a
new baby kitten who may be FELV+ and the 6 month old
boy has an URI and ear mites and also needs to be poor house is just chuck full of
I totally understand where you are coming from with
the put to sleep after diagnosis comment.  We got that
from the other rescuers we work with but my friend and
I did not feel we knew enough to warrant that extreme
of action.  The more we learn the more we want to find
them homes...can positive kitties live in a home with
negative kitties without transmitting the disease?
Thanks again Mary!

--- MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> FELV+, FIV+, FIP <>
> great site, put together by one of this group's
> members. has links to what's
> generally accepted by the scientific community --
> tho there's still so much
> more we need to learn. (hard to do research when the
> first line of treatment
> has, for way too long, been euthanasia! really
> limits the test
> population....)
> there's some conflicting info there, too, of course,
> because some of the
> stuff is older than others. you'll notice, however,
> that the scariest info
> you've heard is NOT true, according to all of the
> professionals!
> lots of folks will be glad to answer your questions
> as they come up; take a
> deep breath, grab one of the kitties, read the
> articles--then see what more
> info you need.
> (oh, and REALLY REALLY check our archives about
> testing/retesting!)
> MC
> On 5/6/07, Sheryl Spagg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Everyone,
> > I certainly hope I am doing this right...I am a
> member of other lists, but
> > this one appears different for some
> reason...anyway, my friend and I rescued
> > 8 kittens last weekend.  2 were older kitties.  1
> was a momma cat with 3
> > kittens and 3 other kittens we had to give to her
> because their other momma
> > disappeared...and then a 6 month old.  The male 6
> month old tested negative
> > on a combo...but the momma ended up testing
> positive for FELV.  My friend
> > and I do not know as much as we wish we did about
> this.  We have separated
> > the momma and babies into a separate room than the
> male kitty.  We
> > understand he may have contracted it from her, we
> need to test him again in
> > 4 months.  We want to know as much as we can about
> this disease and how
> > dangerous it is for other non-positive kitties. 
> Can anyone recommend any
> > sites for us to visit or anyone to talk to?  We
> have searched online but
> > have found so many different opinions on this that
> it is hard to get
> > answers...some say you can spread the disease
> through sharing food and water
> > bowls and others say you can't.  We are beyond
> frustrated at this point and
> > need all the help we can get...
> > Thanks,
> > Sheryl
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car"
> smell?
> > Check out new cars at Yahoo!
> >
> >
> -- 
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

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