You need to get them used to eating and excreting on your property.
  Try moving the food from the front of the house (a foot or two at a time) to 
the back.
  You may also want to put out a big litterbox. (I have an under-the-bed 
plastic storage box that is the size of 3 normal litterboxes but I know someone 
who uses a child's plastic wading pool instead.)  You can fill it with the 
pellets that are used for woodburning stoves.  These are light, scoopable and 
biodegradable.  (You can also just find an area of your back yard and pour bags 
of the wood stove pellets on the ground.  That's how a friend dealt with 
neighbors' complaints about her ferals.)

Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Oh, great.  MORE people who don't speak English.  (Sorry, but I know what 
that might mean--people from a culture that doesn't respect all life.)  
    "Consciousness is Causal 
   and Physicality is its

    On May 29, 2007, at 1:33 PM, Stray Cat Alliance wrote:

  Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions! I did get my husband to write 
down what the neighbor said to him yesterday -- but it is a good idea to write 
down everything and dates. I will do my best to muster up niceness when I want 
to scream and talk to the neighbor. The wife doesn't speak very good English so 
I don't think she'd be a good option. 

I really can't trap everybody and relocate...and an enclosure wouldn't work 
where I live now so I am hoping and praying for a positive resolution for all.
Thank you again, will keep you posted.

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