It has been one week since MeMe's diagnosis and yesterday
I thought we were making progress. Her swollen glands are
noticeably diminished, her sneezing has all but stopped and her
 bad breath from stomatitis is very much improved.

Her appetite has been great and I have been able to get her
to finish the daily dose of FortiFlora (probiotic) which my vet
is so hopeful about. We are also giving her the Maitake-DMG
twice each day. All was fine until the Drontal tablets arrived.
My vet prescribed two tablets daily (the canine variety) for  5
days to treat her Giardia. She had consulted with Bayer before
prescribing it. The Metroniidazole that she had been on did not work.

Last night her right eye became very runny and she threw up a good
bit of what looked like clear liquid. This morning she refused food
(I tried everything I could think of) and I resorted to putting a blob
of Nuti-cal on her paw. I suspect the Drontal is upsetting her stomach.
I cannot reach my vet until Monday and cannot give her supplements
on an empty stomach.

She is so sweet and so vulnerable. I wish I could get her to a place where she has
a fighting chance.
Thanks for listening.

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