Thank you Nina-my vet said to give it a try-so, I'm going to order it
tonight. I hope it works.Melissa



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: Update on Kisa


Did you see the post about FortiFlora from Jane?  You might want to ask your
vet about it.  Here's a paste from an email I sent to someone else battling
diarrhea with her cat:

> My sister forwarded your update about Sophie to me and I had a thought...
Someone on my felv list has a homeopathic vet that she really trusts and a
kitty with diarrhea issues.  Her vet suggested a probiotic, (which Sophie
should be on anyway if she's taking abx), made by all people, Purina.  It's
called FortiFlora and this vet described the results she's had with it as
"profound".  I did a quick search looking for studies/info besides that
provided by the manufacturers and haven't been able to find anything yet,
but that's probably because it's a proprietary "blend" supplement and I'd
have to research ingredients rather than the name of the product.  Anyway,
I'm thinking of ordering it for my gang, (esp my IBD girl Gypsy) and thought
you might be interested in checking it out too.  It's suppose to promote
immunity as well as intestinal health.  I found it at for

Melissa Lind wrote: 

I've got to take our Ashley in tomorrow--still has loose
stools. But, she's not FeLV+, so I guess I should move my thoughts on her to
the other discussion...
Anyways, you made it through Monday--and that's great!

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