Hi Phaewryn,
I know that we will probably have to agree to disagree on this, but if I
take your opinion to it's logical conclusion, then all declawed cats that
end up in a shelter should automatically be euthanized to end their
suffering?  Like you, I am not a knee-jerk no-kill ever person.  Like you,I
believe that it comes down to quality of life.  I just don't think that a
declaw tips the scale so far into poor life quality that euthanasia is
required.  Weighing a life of being collared, open head wounds, and
increased risk of infection against a declaw, the scale tips for me in favor
of the declaw, (once we have exhausted all other medical and food
options).  Although we disagree,
I still respect your opinion.  In my life away from the Internet, I have yet
to meet ANYONE, friends family or acquaintances, that understands our
decision not to declaw our five.  I hope to lead by example, without
preaching, and at least show them that full claws can be an option.  And I
try to understand when they feel that it is not workable for them
(admittedly hard to do with the "save-the-couch" crowd), and at least find
joy in the life that was saved.



 Beth, it's not my "never declaw ideal" that made me say that, it is my
genuine belief that declawing causes long term physical and psychological
suffering, and I do not think putting a suffering cat through more things to
make it suffer more is a correct course of action. Two wrongs don't make a
right. Declawing is 100% cruel and inhumane, and euthanasia is 100% humane
when done correctly. To me, there is no gray area there, it's black and
white. To eliminate suffering, yes, I will euthanise an animal. I do not
have those strong no-kill ideals others have these days. My son bites his
fingernails until they bleed sometimes... would I ever THINK to even
consider amputating his fingers to solve that problem? True, it WOULD
completely eliminate the problem, and his self-mutilation, but at what cost?
That's how I feel about it. That's just me, personally. I'd like to see a
$1000 fine and mandatory 90 days in jail for felony animal cruelty for
anyone that has a cat declawed - that and the revoking of veterinary
licenses for any vet that does the surgery. But I admit, I'm totally way on
one side of the fence on declawing - probably to the point of being
impractical and even a bit of a lunatic.


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