"And the thought that perhaps we need to ask the cats in question what they
would prefer when death is a serious option."

The idea that any of you actually BELIEVE that anyone can psychically
communicate with an animal is, to me, ABSURD. I think the "animal
communication" business is a FRAUD taking advantage of people and their love
of their pets (and often, their weakened mental status because of
desperation and stress). There may actually BE good people out there who
REALLY believe they communicate with animals... people who are not frauds,
people with good hearts, but out of touch with reality. I'm not saying ALL
AC's are just out to make a buck or gain fame, but really, you can't PROVE
this stuff exists, and it's proven fact that other humans WILL take
advantage when given a chance! Anyone remember snake oil? HELLO?!

You know what? This list has of recent had SO MANY emails about animal
communication, that it seems to be THE answer to EVERYTHING! I just can't
fathom the emotional susceptibility of a person to actually believe in
something so FAR OUT THERE and so obviously unable to be proven. And to put
an animals LIFE, or the question of PHYSICAL MUTILATION, on the line based
on what could just as well be as valid as flipping a coin, well, it's just
unfathomable, I just can't come up with any other word for it! It's like a
NEW RELIGION... You can't see, it, you can't prove it, you can't feel it,
you can't do anything to prove it exists, yet you just blindly throw your
faith into it, and put everything you own in your heart into this belief in
the unprovable!


In my opinion, all the talk of animal communication on this list has made
it's validity LAUGHABLE in the past year. This used to be a place where
people could come get answers based in REAL EXPERIENCE and scientific
studies, and it was a place to come to for education on the scientific facts
behind FELV (among other feline health topics) and answers to questions
about MEDICINE. This used to be a place where when a vet was not so helpful,
an owner could come here and ask questions and leave feeling like they got
solid, helpful, and scientific advice and treatment options. There has been
more talk of psychic communication, afterlife, prayer, and other crap (for
lack of a better word) here in the past year than there has been talk of the
actual REAL facts of FELV. I learned SO MUCH here in the past 6 years that I
made an entire WEBSITE out of that info. In the past year, I honestly think
I've learned maybe 2 or 3 things here, and the rest has just been loads of
fantastical blind FAITH in NOTHING!

I'm leaving.. again... I'll be back... later. I always come back,
eventually. I can only HOPE that while I am gone, people will get a GRIP on
reality, and pull their heads out of la-la land! If you want to change my
mind, if you think I am wrong, I openly invite anyone of you (or your pet
psychics) to send me a SIGN. I'll be sitting here waiting for the sounds of
heralding angels "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" (cue the organ music) and beams of bright
light and spirits floating around in the room with me. I'll be awaiting
little kitties with wings taking flight by my head, lighting on my shoulder,
whispering "Meow do you believe in us?" in my ear, while it rains glittery
pixie dust in my room. Please send them my way. Maybe I can ask them, while
they are here, the meaning of life, why there is suffering in the world, and
when will we ever know world peace.

Someone please email Michelle, and let her know I am gone, and that it's
safe to come back now.


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