Oh, thanks Belinda,

Permission to forward?

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Houston we have a problem (HELP!)

      With a cat this wild she may need to be on drugs to help calm her
down, fluoxetine worked best for us, (kitty prozac), it may calm her
down enough to get used to the new situation and once she has acclimated
maybe she can come off them.  I had to do this with Cody more because of
marking issues although there were a few spats because similar to the
kitty in question he had no idea how to interact with the other cats so
he would become defensive thinking he was being attacked.  Unlike the
other ladies cats mine wouldn't bow down to him so he became the outcast.

I tried all of the available drugs and only the fluoxetine made him
completely stop marking.  He was on it for probably 3 or 4 months, once
I took him off he does still marks on occasion when KC puts him in his
place but they all get along well enough for the most part and I can
deal with marking on the limited basis he does it now, don't like it but
I can deal with it.  He thankfully only marks in a couple of places.  If
he ever gets as bad as he was before, marking multiple times daily he
will go back on the drugs.

If she doesn't want to go that route, I didn't and let Cody mark for
over 6 months before I finally decided I had to do something, Rescue
Remedy never really worked on my guys but that may help and the Feliway
may also help.  I would say if she doesn't want to use drugs
introductions are going to have to start over at a very slow pace, if
she has the room to keep new kitty separate from those already there.
I've heard that rubbing a towel on the new kitty and then the old
established cats and vice versa will mix their scents so they all smell
the same, it's suppose to help, never tried it though.

Can she think of anything that happened recently before the change occurred?


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