maybe she's upset that you're trapping her kittens and just being maternal????

Stray Cat Alliance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body  {  FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  
FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }    Wow, I'm having a similar problem with a stray I took 
in. She was okay for 2 weeks with my crew of 20 cats until I tried trapping 
some kittens outside (they may have been her's). I had the crate for the 
kittens (about 6) set up in my spare room, trapped 2 kittens -- got one in the 
crate then got the 2nd trap into the hallway when the tortie stray jumped on 
top of the trap and started howling and attacked me! Do you believe I hid in 
the bathroom, I know silly me! My husband shooed her inside our bedroom and we 
moved the crate into the garage. Next morning, she attacked my large male cat 
Sylvester -- my husband said she went after him unrelentlessly and he had to 
hit her with a bottle to get her off and she bit him. After that, I put her 
back outside but she wanted back in and silly me couldn't stand it (she also 
had a cold and I was giving her meds and set up a spay appt). She is now
 in her "cat free" (Hah!) downstairs living room. She was in heat several times 
and was fixed this past Saturday and is on Clavamox (she had lot of blood in 
her urine but seems to be getting better). She rubs on me in the morning and 
seems to be sweet but then starts twitching her tail at the same time and tries 
to get my hand, swats at me, bites -- she didn't break skin until today but it 
isn't too bad. One time Sylvester ran into the room w/o knowing she was there 
and boy did she try to get him -- got him out safely before she did anything. 
Then another time, my sweet 12 yr old kitty Sagusma ran in and there was a 
standoff but I picked her up and got her out. I am almost afraid of her and am 
thinking maybe I should have just TNR'd her. I just hate leaving "friendly" 
cats out there (tho she is more of a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde). It is just weird 
as she sometimes likes to lay on top of me and have me scratch her chin. Then 
she gets skitzo.

  Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 02:33:51 -0700
Subject: Re: OT: Houston we have a problem (HELP!)

  I would ask the vet about some form of 'kitty prozac'.  I'm keeping a cat for 
a woman who lost her job, and I've had to put him on clonicalm.

Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
            Hi everyone,
  Please read below and let me know if you have any suggestions for this kitty.
  We have already recommended a veterinary exam, (Dr. Smith, feline expert 
extraordinaire) in case it's a medical problem.
  I do not know this kitty, but she was rescued from our local pound after she 
was confiscated from a rescue group, along w/ 53 other cats.
  Long story, but I will say that it was all politics and the rescue group was 
not @ fault.
  Anyway, she has been in her new home for about 2 months and things seemed to 
be going fine, until recently.
  Any suggestions would be most helpful.
          "I'm having trouble getting into my address book so I'm attaching 
this to a previous note from you.  Abby is not a happy little girl and I don't 
know what to do about her.  I think she's schizophrenic.  In the morning she's 
a reasonable cat but by night she's a wild thing.  She's still making 
unprovoked attacks on the old cats who are now terrified of her.  It's to the 
point that they won't use their litter  boxes because she's lying in wait when 
they come out.  She takes their bowls away from them--doesn't eat the food but 
won't let them eat.  I've resorted to putting her in the guest room alone at 
night so she doesn't sneak up on Diana ( who sleeps on my pillow) and launch a 
battle at three in the morning.  And more, Abby has attacked me a couple of 
times in the last two days with claws and teeth.  I was barefoot at the time 
and she shredded the sole of my foot.  She can't be petted without fighting 
back, will not permit picking up, fights brushing, and is
 generally hostile.  No, I won't give her up...she might not survive another 
transfer.  But I've got to find a way to calm her down before she or one of the 
other girls gets hurt.  I've had Siamese all my life and these are not Siamese 
characteristics.  She comes and tells me she's hungry several times a day so 
I've resorted to giving her small meals at intervals during the day.  Since we 
haven't had storms in several days, she hasn't had the frantic reactions those 
brought, but she's really a mystery to me.  She seems to have no concept of 
human interaction and resents any attempt at stroking or petting.  Any ideas?  
Thanks, "

  Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

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