Hi Tracy,
Yes Bailey's anemia was non regenerative, epogen can take two weeks or longer to work so if you decide to use it I wouldn't wait too long. Bailey's pred dose was pretty high to start, we started him at 20mg a day given at 10mg twice a day.

When my Frankie came down with anemia, he was perfectly normal until a day before he died. The ONLY reason I even took him to the vet was a gut feeling because his routine had changed he wasn't sleeping on my chest every night like he used to. He would come in the bedroom, suckle my elbow crook and then get up and go sleep somewhere else, usually he would fall asleep on my chest. He was eating normal and was a very healthy 18 pounds. When I took him to the vet not because anything was wrong that I could see but because he wasn't doing the things he had done since a baby, his HCT was at 6%, my vet was amazed that he was still alive. When I got him home he started hiding and breathing funny, he died later that night. I was going to talk with hubby and figure out if we should do a transfusion, my vet said he needed it but that it was not going to cure anything it was just a band aid, this was in 1995, my vets then weren't very versed in treating FeLV+ cats. I wish I had known then what I know now, he would have gotten that transfusion right then. When Bailey became anemic I acted right away his HCT was much better to start though, it was 20% to start. By the time I got the epogen and started it, it had gone down to 18% and while on the epogen down to 15%, BUT in three weeks it started going up and in 6 weeks was a very normal 40%, the lowest it ever got after that was 33% which is what it was when the cancer took him.

What I'm trying to say is don't be fooled by her acting fine, they can crash so quickly. I hope she comes out fine, it sounds like even though she is positive her immune system is strong.


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