My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking about 
the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was fine 
Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part of this 
week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't 
bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all 
looked so comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and when 
I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him 
up.  His eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue 
comiing out and the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him 
because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I 
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever seen 
anything like that.
  Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone 
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was coming to an 
end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a kill shelter by an 
elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and 
I've had him about 5 years.  Such a sweetheart.  

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